Why the Veler?

The Veler de Calafell restaurant, created in June 2019, opens its doors with a great team fusing knowledge, culinary creativity and good service 

We believe that the difference between something good and something extraordinary is found in the details, that guides us in everything we do and how we do it so that our daily lives serve as motivation to receive the reward of seeing you again.

La unión de dos continentes, ciudadanos de Cuba y Holanda, que en el corto camino de la vida se encontraron y forjaron una amistad que les ha llevado a compartir su esencia y pasión por el mar mediterráneo creando su propio velero gastronómico a los pies de la arena de la frontera entre el mar y la montaña.

Creado en junio del 2019, El Veler de Calafell, situado en el paseo marítimo de Calafell abrió sus puertas con una gran pasión, creando un orgulloso y maravilloso equipo de trabajo, donde se a fusionando conocimiento, creatividad culinaria, profesionalidad y amor por la cocina, la cuál intentamos transmitir tanto dentro como fuera de cocinas.  

Our specialties

Rice and seafood

One of our specialties. Rice dishes. At El Veler de Calafell you can taste everything from a paella to a soupy rice, black rice, etc. 

On the other hand, but not less important, the great variety of seafood, where with our seafood menu you can try part of our offer, topping it off with one of our rice dishes.

Mediterranean gastronomy

We have an extensive menu tailored to the diner's taste, with a wide variety of dishes, both meat, fish, seafood, etc. Dishes prepared by our kitchen team who work day by day so that you can enjoy the place where we are located. Facing the Mediterranean Sea. 

We work for you. This is our reward:

When and where can you come visit us?

Av. Sant Joan de Déu 63, 43820, Calafell, Tarragona


Abiertos: De martes a sábado

De 10:00 a 17:00h y de 20:30h a 23:00h

Domingos de 10:00 a 17:00h